
Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
Summary: Funding to plan, design, and construct eligible projects that provide safe and connected active transportation facilities in an active transportation network or active transportation spine
Eligible Applicants: political subdivisions, metropolitan planning organizations, regional planning organizations, multicounty special districts
Available Funding: $44.55 million
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: June 17, 2024

Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) Program

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
Summary: Funding to deploy, install, and operate advanced transportation technologies to improve safety, mobility, efficiency, system performance, intermodal connectivity, and infrastructure return on investment
Eligible Applicants: State and local governments, transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, other political subdivisions (e.g., port authorities, etc.), or a multijurisdictional group or consortia of research institutions or academic institutions
Available Funding: $120 million; award ceiling is $12 million
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: February 9, 2024

Airport Grant Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Provides assistance to publicly-owned, public use airports.
Eligible Applicants: Publicly airports
Available Funding: $7 million, annually
Local Match Requirement: 5%
Deadline: Applications accepted year-round

Bridge Investment Program, Planning and Bridge Project Grants

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
Summary: Discretionary grant initiative focused on the replacement, rehabilitation, preservation and protection of existing bridges across the country.
Eligible Applicants: States, local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, political subdivisions, special purpose district or authority with transportation function
Available Funding: $9.701 billion
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: March 19, 2024

Buses & Bus Facilities Program

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration
Summary: Federal funds to assist with the purchase of capital assets for public transit systems,  modernize buses, improve bus facilities, and support workforce development
Eligible Applicants: Local governments, Regional Transit Authorities, County Transit Boards, nonprofits
Available Funding: $1.7 billion
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: April 13, 2023

Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant - Round 2

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary: Community Charging and Fueling Program (Community Program) supports the strategic deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging, hydrogen fueling, propane fueling, and natural gas fueling infrastructure located on public roads or in other publicly accessible locations. Alternative Fuel Corridor (Corridor Program) supports the strategic deployment of charging and alternative fueling infrastructure located along designated alternative fuel corridors.
Eligible Applicants: States, local governments, or group of local governments, special districts, public housing authorities, public/state institutions of higher education
Available Funding:$1.321 billion
Local Match Requirement:
Deadline: August 28, 2024

Connecting Communities Program

Agency: Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS)
Summary: Funds mobility planning projects, including pedestrian, bicycle, and transit, which increase alternative transportation options to connect people and places; promote complete street principles; and leverage transportation projects to develop places which support alternative transportation and complete streets through land use and design.
Eligible Applicants: Counties, municipalities, townships, transit authorities within AMATS
Available Funding: $80,000; two $40,000 planning grants
Local Match Requirement: None
Deadline: February 9, 2024

Credit Bridge Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Available to county governments who use Federal-aid funds to replace or rehabilitate their bridges
Eligible Applicants: Counties
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: Contact ODOT

District Pavement & Bridge Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds the preservation and rehabilitation of the Priority, Urban and General System pavements and the state-maintained bridge structures.
Eligible Applicants: Counties, municipalities, townships
Local Match Requirement: N/A
Deadline: Contact ODOT

Elderly & Disabled Transit Fare Assistance

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds eligible public transportation systems who offer reduced fares to elderly and people with disabilities.
Eligible Applicants: Public transit agencies
Local Match Requirement: N/A
Deadline: No application required; ODOT transmits contracts directly to eligible transit systems

Highway Safety Improvement Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funding to reduce traffic deaths and serious injuries on all public roads.
Eligible Applicants: ODOT, local governments
Available Funding: $183 million, annually
Local Match Requirement:
Deadline: Contact ODOT


Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people in and across rural and urban areas.
Eligible Applicants: States, metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, special purpose district with transportation function, port authorities, etc.
Available Funding: $8 billion (FY22-FY26)
Local Match Requirement: 40% non-INFRA, or up to 20% non-Federal
Deadline: TBA

Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Pilot Program

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration
Summary: Funding to support innovative projects for the transportation disadvantaged that will improve the coordination of transportation services and non-emergency medical transportation services (NEMT) for older adults, people with disabilities, and people of low-income
Eligible Applicants: State departments of transportation or local governmental entities that operate a public transportation service
Available Funding: $4.7 million
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: February 13, 2024

Jobs & Commerce Economic Development

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds transportation projects that promote job creation, job retention, and private sector investment.
Eligible Applicants: Municipalities, townships, port authorities, TIDs, and CICs
Available Funding: $5 million, annually
Deadline: Applications accepted year-round

Local Major Bridge Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Federal funds to counties and municipalities for bridge replacement, bridge rehabilitation, and bridge demolition projects.
Eligible Applicants: Counties and municipalities
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: TBA

Local Transportation Improvement Program

Agency: Ohio Public Works Commission
Summary: Grants for transportation-related capital improvements projects, including roads, bridges, and culverts. District 7 (Portage); District 8 (Summit); District 16 (Wayne); District 19 (Stark)
Eligible Applicants: Counties, municipalities, townships
Available Funding: Varies by District; contact respective District
Local Match Requirement: Varies; higher amount of match improves competitiveness
Deadline: Varies by District; contact respective District for verification

Major Bridge Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds rehabilitations/replacements for largest high-cost Ohio bridges (180 total in state). P
Eligible Applicants: Contact ODOT. Only 180 bridges in state eligible for funding
Available Funding: $90-$100 million, annually
Local Match Requirement:
Deadline: TBA, contact ODOT

Major Rehab Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds for major rehabilitation projects on the priority system, which restores the structural integrity and functional characteristics of the pavement.
Eligible Applicants: Contact ODOT
Available Funding: $200 million, annually
Local Match Requirement:
Deadline: TBA, contact ODOT

Mega Grant

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds large, complex projects that are difficult to fund by other means and likely to generate national or regional economic, mobility, or safety benefits.
Eligible Applicants: States, metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, special purpose district with transportation function, port authorities, etc.
Available Funding: $5 billion (FY22-FY26)
Local Match Requirement: 40% non-MEGA, or up to 20% non-Federal
Deadline: TBA

Mobility Management Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds capital projects that increase access to mobility by increasing understanding and awareness of transportation needs, promote coordination of transportation options to meet needs, and build sustainable and healthy communities by integrating transportation into planning and programs.
Eligible Applicants: State and local governments, nonprofit organizations
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: TBA, contact ODOT

Municipal Bridge Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds bridge replacement or bridge rehabilitation projects.
Eligible Applicants: Municipalities, metro parks, regional transit authorities
Available Funding: $18.5 million, annually
Local Match Requirement: 5% cash
Deadline: August 15, annually

National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds the replacement, removal, and repair of culverts or weirs that meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish.
Eligible Applicants: Local governments
Available Funding: $196 million
Local Match Requirement: 20%

Ohio Transit Partnership Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funding for rural and urban transit systems in Ohio.
Eligible Applicants: Regional Transit Authorities, County Transit Boards, municipalities, or counties that own or operate public transportation systems.
Deadline: TBA

Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration
Summary: Funding for comprehensive planning or site-specific planning studies associated with a new fixed guideway or core capacity improvement project
Eligible Applicants: States, local governments or group of local governments, transit authorities
Available funding: $10.5 million
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: July 22, 2024

Protecting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary:Funding to plan for and strengthen surface transportation to be more resilient to natural hazards, including climate change, sea level rise, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters.
Eligible Applicants: Metropolitan Planning Organizations, local governments
Available funding: $848 million
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: August 18, 2023

Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE)

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary: Funding for surface transportation projects that will have a significant local or regional impact and improve: safety; environmental sustainability; quality of life; mobility and community connectivity; economic competitiveness and opportunity including tourism; state of good repair; partnership and collaboration; and innovation. Projects must address climate change impacts and environmental justice.
Eligible Applicants: State and Local governments, port authorities, transit agencies, special purpose districts
Available funding: $1.5 billion
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: February 28, 2024

Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN) Program

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary: Funding to advance and support reconnection of communities divided by transportation infrastructure – with a priority on helping disadvantaged communities improve access to daily needs. Program includes Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Community Planning Grants, RCP Capital Construction Grants, and NAE Community Planning, Capital Construction, and Regional Partnerships Challenge Grants  
Eligible Applicants: Local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, nonprofits
Available funding: $198 million; $148 million for Capital Construction Grants, $50 million for Community Planning Grants
Local Match Requirement: 20%for RCP Community Planning Grants and Community Planning, Capital Construction, and Regional Partnerships Challenge Grants; 50% for RCP Capital Construction Grants
Deadline: September 28, 2023

Roadwork Development Grant (629) Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Development
Summary: Promotes economic development, business expansion, and job creation by providing roadwork improvement funding for eligible projects, including the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair, that directly relate to increased investment, job creation and/or retention
Eligible Applicants: Local governments, port authorities, CICs, CDCs, Community Urban Redevelopment Corporations
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: Accepted year-round; funding is allocated starting July 1, annually

Rural Intercity Bus Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary:  Supports projects that provide transportation between non-urbanized areas and urbanized areas that result in connections of greater regional, statewide, and national significance.
Eligible Applicants: Contact ODOT
Deadline: TBA

Rural Surface Transportation Grant

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary: Improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, generate regional economic growth, and improve quality of life.
Eligible Applicants: State, regional transportation planning organizations, local governments
Available Funding: $2 billion (FY22-FY26)
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: TBA

Rural Transit Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Provides federal and state funds are used to assist with operating and capital expenses in the provision of public transportation services in rural and small urban areas.
Eligible Applicants: Local governments, regional transit authorities, county transit boards, nonprofits, corporations designated by a county or municipality, county/municipal department on behalf of local government
Local Match Requirement: 50% for operating expenses; 20% for capital projects
Deadline: TBA, contact ODOT

Safe Routes to School

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Provides resources, technical assistance, and project funding to encourage and enable students in grades K-12 to walk or ride their bike to school.
Eligible Applicants: Local governments, schools
Available Funding: $5 million, annually
Local Match Requirement: None
Deadline: TBA, contact ODOT

Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grants

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary: Funding for planning, infrastructure, behavioral, and operational initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets involving all roadway users, including pedestrians; bicyclists; public transportation, personal conveyance, and micromobility users; motorists; and commercial vehicle operators.
Eligible Applicants: Metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, transit agencies
Available Funding: $1.25 billion; $580 million for implementation and $657 million for developing Action Plans
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: Planning and Demonstration Grants: April 4, 2024, May 16, 2024, and August 29,, 2024; Implementation Grants: May 16, 2024

Small City Program & Guidelines

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Provides federal funds to small cities (5,000 to 24,999) not located within an Metropolitan Planning Organization. Program may be used for any road, safety, or signal project on the Federal-aid system.
Eligible Applicants: Orrville and Rittman (in NEFCO Region)
Available Funding: $10 million, annually
Funding request ceiling: $2 million
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: TBA, contact ODOT

Specialized Transportation Program (5310)

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Enhances mobility for seniors and persons with disabilities by providing Federal Transit Administration funds for programs in small urbanized and rural areas that serve the special needs of transit-dependent populations beyond traditional public transportation services and Americans with Disabilities Act complementary paratransit services.
Eligible Applicants: Nonprofits, local public agencies
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: TBA, contact ODOT

State Capital Improvement Program

Agency: Ohio Public Works Commission
Summary: Grants, loans, credit enhancements, and grant/loan combinations for capital improvement projects: roads, bridges, culverts, water supply, stormwater, sanitary sewer. Additional funding opportunity for villages and townships with populations under 5,000. District 7 (Portage); District 8 (Summit); District 16 (Wayne); District 19 (Stark).
Eligible Applicants: Local governments under 50,000 population
Available Funding: Varies by District; contact respective District
Local Match Requirement: Varies; higher amount of match improves competitiveness
Deadline: Varies by District; contact respective District for verification

State Infrastructure Bank

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary:  Funds highway, rail, transit, intermodal, and other transportation facilities and projects, which produce revenue to amortize debt while contributing to the connectivity of Ohio's transportation system and promote corridor completion, economic development, competitiveness in a global economy, and quality of life.
Eligible Applicants: Local governments, regional transit authorities, port authorities
Available Funding: Loans, up to 30-year terms at 3%; interest deferred for first 12 months
Local Match Requirement: None
Deadline: Applications accepted year-round

Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Stage 1 Planning and Prototyping Grants

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Summary: Funding to conduct demonstration projects focused on advancing smart city or community technologies and systems to improve transportation efficiency and safety. Projects must demonstrate at least one technology area (i.e., coordinated automation, connected vehicles, intelligent sensor-based infrastructure, systems integration, commerce delivery and logistics, leveraging use of innovative aviation technology, smart grid, and smart technology traffic signals). Two-stage program. Recipients of Stage 1 grants will be eligible to expand their projects through State 2 grants (up to $15 million and 36 months).
Eligible Applicants: States, local governments or group of local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, public transit agencies and authorities.
Available Funding:$50 million; USDOT expects to award approximately 30 State 1 grants of up to $2 million per award.
Local Match Requirement: None
Deadline: July 12, 2024

Township Safety Sign Grant Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funding to upgrade existing and install new safety signage on Ohio’s township roads.
Eligible Applicants: Townships;
Available Funding: $2 million, annually
Local Match Requirement: None
Deadline: TBA, last deadline was June 17, 2022

TRAC Funding Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Provides funding for the development of and construction of the Major New Capacity Program
Eligible Applicants: ODOT District Offices, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), County Engineers, Transit Authorities, County Commissioners, Municipalities, Port Authorities, Transportation Improvement Districts (TIDs)
Deadline: TBA, deadline for last round was May 31, 2022

Transportation Alternatives Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, environmental mitigation; recreational trail program projects; and safe routes to school projects.
Eligible Applicants: Metropolitan Planning Organizations, local governments outside the county boundaries of an MPO
Available Funding: Contact ODOT
Local Match Requirement: 5%
Deadline: LOI due October 31; applications due January 31

Transportation Improvement Districts

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: A TID is a form of local government promoting intergovernmental and public-private cooperation of transportation resources and investments. Funds transportation projects promoting economic development.
Eligible Applicants: Transportation Improvement Districts
Available Funding: $4.5 million, annually
Deadline: Contact ODOT 

Urban Paving Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funds eligible surface treatment and resurfacing projects on state and U.S. Routes within municipalities.
Eligible Applicants: Local governments
Local Match Requirement: 20%
Deadline: Contact ODOT District Office

Urban Transit Program

Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation
Summary: Funding for transit service in urbanized areas with populations of 50,000 or greater.
Eligible Applicants: Regional Transit Authorities, County Transit Boards, municipalities, or counties that own or operate public transportation systems.
Local Match Requirement: 20% for capital projects; 50% for operating expenses
Deadline: Contact ODOT


*Prepared by the Northeast Ohio Four County Regional Planning and Development Organization (NEFCO). Funding opportunities provided for general informational purposes. NEFCO does not guarantee accuracy of information listed (i.e., eligibility requirements, application deadlines, matching requirements, etc.). Please consult appropriate funding agency for additional information.

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